
RJ #6

Dear Alexander,

I finished reading the book "Extra Lives - Why Video Games Matter" by Tom Bissell. This book is a combinations of video games and about his life which is quite disturbing. In some chapters he throws in stuff about his life and then mostly talked about his life instead of games. His life is disturbing and makes me want to say "TMI TMI dude we don't need to know that!". Apparently the author is a junkie because most of the time he talks about how in life he did "stuff". Tom even admits he lives a disturbed life in the book. In the book Tom talks about how he has gone through many Xboxes. He took around about 10 pages to talk about how he moved gave away a Xbox and then move on to a new country. Tom even went all the way back and talked about his school life. He went on and talked about how he went to a strict Catholic school which he never named. In his school time he talked about how he played a game with his schoolmates who can make the best die hard fake death with imaginary weapons. Looks like he is watching too many die hard movies. He also listed his gamertag on Xbox live and his PSN name. Im pretty sure you wont bother with it since you don't have either or. He has been to many countries, I don't see why he has constantly moved around the world for no reason. He done many things to express feelings and about more than video games but about his life.
I wouldn't recommend it to you since he made the book disturbing, but to anyone else who wants to read about it go ahead knock yourself out see if it interest you. Well that's all I have to type so bye!

From your friend,


  1. Dear Lucky,
    The book you read sounds a little weird. I would never read it. Thanks for the entertainment.

  2. Dear Ethan,
    Thanks for the comment. I taught it was about video games, but the author wrote about his life. I shouldn't of not even read this book.

    From your friend,
