
RJ #8

Dear Whoever is reading this,

I recently reread "The Hardy Boys Case Files Dead on target". This is an awesome mystery book. Its mostly about Joe and Frank trying to get revenge on a terrorist, Al-Rousasa who is linked to "The Network" a terrorist group. When they park there car they needed to grab something. So Joe's girlfriend, Iola went to go get the stuff and she gets blown to bits by a car bomb that was meant for the Hardy Boys. This version of the Hardy Boys is different from others because they killed off a character. In the end of the book Al-Rousasa commits suicide after fighting the Hardy Boys. But, later in the Case File series he gets resurrected from the dead. That's quite odd who that happened. The terrorist didn't use a bomb to commit suicide but took a 3 story fall. His last quote was "Nobody takes an assassin alive" the book should of used that quote if he was a suicide bomber since it will fit better then jumping to your death. I recommend this book to anyone who likes The Hardy Boys series. The original or old ones are better than the newer ones. So that's it hope whoever you are enjoyed. Comment, fav, subscribe wait... This is not YouTube, but you can comment! Hope you liked it!



  1. Lucky,
    This book is not the kind of books i read.But you are good for it. I liked the little youtube joke!
    So what is your favorite part?
    What would you give this book out of 5 stars?
    Dana Yeoshoua

  2. Dear Lucky what does the youtube thing mean and i like your blog.what was your least favorite part.

    julio lopez

  3. Dear Lucky,
    I really liked your RJ. I've been reading the Hardy Boys series lately also (even though I only read 2 of their books). Iola Morton is mentioned in both books I read (the book you just read was the first book in the series). Why was Al-Rousasa's last quote "Nobody takes an assassin alive?" By the way, I liked your youtube joke.

    Jacob Kodner

  4. Dear Dana,

    My favorite part was when they were fighting Al-Rousasa because he was a mean, cruel, evil terrorist. Out of five stars I would give it ★★★★ out 5 stars because it killed off a character and Al-Rousasa gets resurrected from the dead later in the series which cant happen in real life.

    From your friend,

  5. Dear Julio,

    The youtube thing was meant as a joke/pun thing if you read other comments. My least favorite part was would be Iola getting killed in a firey, explosive death.

    From your friend,

  6. Dear Jacob,

    I THINK (note the think) he used that quote so he wont be killed by someone else. So what he did was "Goodbye WORLD!!!!" "ahhhhhhhhh" *splat*.

    From your friend,
