
RJ #1

Dear World,

     I just read the book "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. However, I'm jumping ship on it. Many of you know about this book because its famous and the book had a play based on it. The reason why I'm abandoning it because the book is hard to comprehend for the smart 6th grade brain. The books pages are really long, I was only able to get to page 19 after 2 weeks trying to break down its highly proper English. The way the book was written down had proper English which the British and old Englishmen used. The way it was written made me think about Wikipedia explaining about 2+2 in big hard to learn terms. The book was quite interesting, around page 12 (at least that's the page my ereader addressed) that's when we finally get some dialog. Since I only got up to page 19 trying to read the book it did not tell me anything about the characters it was not like '"insert words here" said Bob' it mostly called the characters madam for women or sir for men. The book should have used the style of dialog like I said above then it would make more sense. The plot had no action because I only got to page 19 it mostly had transporting of letters to one and another. Since it was about the French and the British in the French Revolution some fighting should be involved around those pages not taking 20 pages about letters. I really had no favorite part in this book or hated part so I'm neutral with this book. Its pretty long and old I would recommend it if your a reading addict but, if you just want a book to read and your around preteen to teen I wouldn't recommend it because its hard to understand an if you have a short attention you could get bored. My feeling to this book is get it if you like reading but if all else don't get it at least it came on my ereader for free. Instead of this book I would recommend Lost in Shangri-La by Mitchel Zuckoff. 

                            Over and out,
                                               Lucky Baydoun

P.S I own all rights to this. Copyright 2011


  1. Dear Lucky,
    i love how you explained why you want to abandon the book. Its good that you abondened that book. now you can start one that is easier.well..why didnt you try to read more? Or you could have looked up the words you didnt understand.
    but it doesnt matter if you didnt understand then read somthing else.i have a very very quick question. could you tell me alittle plot about the book? ok i got to go so write me back.

    from itay

  2. Dear Itay,

    To your first question, I did try to read more but sometimes the word were like "I musth noth do..." so that makes get confused and I did look it up but then I didnt understand the definition.
    To your second question, the plot is about the French and the British in the French revolution some parts had spies spying on each side acting like a person there not and most of the time they were sending letters or had some meetings. Hope that helped.

    From Lucky

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Lucky,

    I think you should have put more details in the book. What happened in the 19 pages you read? What are the characters in the book? You have left a lot out. Tell the reader more.

    From your friend,
    Alexander Yan

  5. Dear Alexander

    In the 19 pages all that did happen was sending letters it really didn't tell me anything about the letters. The characters are unknown because they did not tell me any names. Hope it Helps...

    From your friend,

    Lucky Baydoun

  6. Dear Julio

    What was your post? All it said was and I quote "Lucky"
