Title: Booking a Flight to Space, With Travel Insurance
Author: Kenneth Chang
Source: Miami herald?
The topic of the article is booking a space flight and
dealing with other space stuff
The main idea of the article is: stated because based on the
title it’s the same thing what the article says as it deals with booking a
flight in space, with travel insurance
The author’s purpose for writing this article is to inform
the reader with future space travel.
The author’s perspective in this article is objective/subjective
(biased) because the author is not biased as he puts out true facts about and
not showing any form of opinions.
The pattern of organization of the article is fact and opinion and argument and support.
The reason the author chose this pattern for the article is
to talk about the future space industry.
The text features included in the article are: no text features appear on the article
This article is about (a summary in your own words)
This article is about booking a flight in to space with
insurance. After reading it you can find that the title was a dead giveaway
about it. In the first sentence the author starts off by talking about
insurance then goes down by interviews and facts based on the title. They said
that this will happen near 2017 and 3 seats have been pre-ordered.
The significance (importance) of this article is to learn
more about the space industry and what happens to it in the future
What I learned from this article is that the future of the
space industry has turned into tourism.
What I liked about this article
I liked was how I learned that the space industry is going
to do flights to outer space.
What I did not like about it
I didn’t like how the plan to do this cost too much money.
Who should read this article and why
I would say people that are interested in it because they
would be able to have background knowledge about it.
This article reminds me of (text-to-self) this reminds me of
star wars as they have space travel within the series.
This reminds me of my science textbook because it has a NASA
(text-to-world)This reminds me about NASA and the ISS,
New vocabulary I learned
I did not learn new vocabulary.
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