
CE 5

Title: “To Preserve History on the Moon, Visitors Are Asked to Tread Lightly
Author: Kenneth Chang
Source: The New York Times
The topic of the article is to keep history on moon.
The main idea of the article is: keep history of the moon this is stated.
The author’s purpose for writing this article is to inform the reader about keeping history on the moon like footprints.
The author’s perspective in this article is subjective because he says why NASA shows why they want to keep history on the moon. NASA wants to keep it there the author does not part with any side.
The pattern of organization of the article is cause and effect
The reason the author chose this pattern for the article because the cause would be no preservation and the effect would be no tourism, souvenirs, no history about it, and from having no tourism and souvenirs there would be no money.
The text features included in the article are: the title
This article is about (a summary in your own words) the reason why people have to tread (walk in a specific way) lightly on the moon so NASA can preserve footprints.
The significance (importance) of this article is
What I learned from this article is NASA would like to preserve many things.
What I liked about this article
I liked how it included Google Lunar X Prize.
What I did not like about it
I did not dislike anything in this article.
Who should read this article and why
Anyone if they are interested in NASA because it deals with it or if they just like reading.
This article reminds me of (text-to-self) it reminded me of science since we learned about NASA.
It reminded me of my science textbook under the NASA section
It reminds me of NASA
New vocabulary I learned
No new vocab words

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